Dr. Chandreyee Goswami Chakrabarti, Ph.D.

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I am a Geologist having about 16 years of rich experience in Geological research and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students.
My experience includes formulating, monitoring and finalizing research projects funded by government agencies, training and guiding students in their research projects both in undergraduate and post graduate studies.
I have nearly 14 years’ experience in working with Total stations, leading GIS and Remote Sensing softwares like ArcGIS, ERDAS, Global Mapper, Terramodel etc.
Along with my research on active tectonics I also worked in corporate sector as a consultant in various exploration projects related to graphite, granite, iron and other minerals from various parts of India.
• − Goswami, C., Mukhopadhyay, D., and Poddar B.C. (2012) Tectonic control on the drainage system in a piedmont region in tectonically active eastern Himalayas, Front. Earth Sci., 6 (1), 29‐38, doi 10.1007/s11707‐012‐0297‐
• − Goswami (Chakrabarti), C., Mukhopadhyay, D., and Poddar B.C. (2013) Geomorphology in relation to tectonics: A case study from the eastern Himalayan foothills of West Bengal, India. Quaternary International, 298, 80‐92.
• − Goswami (Chakrabarti), C., Mukhopadhyay, D., and Poddar B.C. (2014) Reply to Comments from R. Kar and T. Chakraborty on our paper “Geomorphology in relation to tectonics: A case study from the eastern Himalayan foothill of West Bengal, India”, Quaternary International, 338, 119‐124.
• Goswami (Chakrabarti) C, Jana P, Weber JC (2019) Evolution of landscape in a piedmont section of Eastern Himalayan foothills along India-Bhutan border: A tectono-geomorphic perspective. Journal of Mountain Science 16(12), 2828-2843. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-018-5208-7.
Lecturer in Geology in Asutosh College, Kolkata for 8 years.

Granted projects :
1. Active Faults and Crustal Deformation in parts of the Frontal Himalayas around Chalsa, Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal.(completed)
Funding agency: University Grants Commission, Govt of India
2. Morphotectonics and sedimentation in the deformed Quaternary belt in the Eastern Himalayas: Case study from three areas in West Bengal and Arunachal Pradesh.(completed)
Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India.
3. Active Faults and Paleoseismological Studies in selected sectors along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust, Naga Thrust and the Mishmi Thrust within the Quaternaries, North Eastern India.(on going)
Funding agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India.

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Lecture, Seminar / Workshop

Seminar on geoscience research in the Eger Rift

On October 31, 2024, an informal research seminar, devoted to current geoscience research in the Eger Rift and surroundings, will take place in our institute. The seminar is open to interested audience of geoscience students and professionals from academia, industry, and public institutions.

P. Hrubcová, T. Fischer, T. Dahm, V. Rapprich, J. Valenta, J. Mrlina, R. Beránek, P. Tábořík, T. Vylita
Drilling in western Eger Rift and surveying of Bažina Maar

P. Štěpančíková, J. Flašar, T. Rockwell, Jakub Stemberk, P. Tábořík, Ch. Goswami, F. Hartvich, H. Sana, N. Brown
Variability of neotectonic activity along the Mariánské Lázně fault

P. Tábořík, P. Štěpančíková, Jakub Stemberk, L. Findžová, T. Fischer, J. Valenta
Discovering the Čirá-Kopanina Fault: Bridging the Gap Between Surface Evidence and Seismic Activity?

J. Flašar, P. Štěpančíková
Geomorphological evidence of tectonic activity of the Mariánské Lázně Fault (Czech Republic) and its influence to stream network evolution

M. Coubal, M. Šťastný, P. Štěpančíková, Jakub Stemberk, J. Schweigstillová, F. Veselovský, D. Kořínková
Study of faulted volcanic bodies – a specific way to reconstruct the paleostress
events during the Plio-Pleistocene. A case study from the Komorní Hůrka Volcano, Bohemian Massif