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RNDr. Jakub Stemberk, Ph.D.

Oddělení neotektoniky a termochronologie
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Ústav struktury a mechaniky hornin AVČR, v.v.i.
V Holešovičkách 41
182 09, Praha 8
Česká republika
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O mně

born in 1985 in Novém Městě na Moravě

- 2001-2005 Study at Secondary school of Johannes Keplera in Prague.
- 2005-2009 Bachelor Study - Geography and Cartography, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. Thesis: Analysis of the drainage network of the Hoštice foot step (part of the Rychlebské hory Mts.).
- 2009-2011 Master Study - Physical Geography and Geoecology, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. Thesis: Morphostructural analysis of the Hřibovská hornatina Mts. and adjacent area (part of the Rychlebské hory Mts.).
- 2011–today Ph.D. Study - Physical Geography and Geoecology, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. Thesis: Valley evolution of the Kladská Bělá river (Góry Złote / Góry Bialskie, Poland) with special attention to Quarternary tectonics and landslides evolution.

Main research interests:
Geomorphology focused on active tectonics, paleoseismology, tectonics in GIS systems, precariously balanced rocks, natural hazard databases, (paleo)stress analysis

Stay abroad:
- 2012 paleoseismic research near Lake Kinerret, Dead Sea rift, Izrael (1 month)
- 2013 paleoseismic research on Pastores fault, Acambay Graben, Transmexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico (1 month)
- 2014 – today Research on Superstition Hill fault and San Jacinto Fault, California, USA (several short periods)
- 2015 Erasmus + Program, stay in Vienna University, active tectonics of Diendorf and Waitzendorf faults, (3 month)

- State of geomorphological research in (2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019)
- 8th Meeting of the Central Tectonics Studiem Group (CETeG), Kielce, Poland (2009)
- Czech-Polish Workshop on recent geodynamics of the Sudety Mts. and adjacent areas (2012, 2014, 2016, 2019)
- PATA Days - International meeting on Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology & Active Tectonics (2016, 2017, 2019)
- Advances in Active Tectonics and Speleotectonics International Multidisciplinary Workshop, Vienna, (2015)

- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0550-7436
- WOS Researcher ID: X-4940-2019, J-4244-2014
- Scopus Researcher ID: 57213175986