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Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia

Authors: Bogusz Janusz, Klos Anna, Figurski Mariusz, Jarosinski Marek and Kontny Bernard
DOI: 10.13168/AGG.2013.0029
Journal: Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, Vol. 10, No. 3 (171), Prague 2013
Full Text: PDF file (4.2 MB)
Keywords: Delaunay triangulation, strain field, EPN, ASG-EUPOS, GPS, GRID_STRAIN
Abstract: The GRID_STRAIN software that runs under the MATLAB® environment helped us in achieving the continuous strain field model. Unfortunately, the program averages the results. Therefore, the authors’ main goal of this paper was to work out a method of good verification of data to avoid falsifying of the results of strain calculations. We decided to use the method of the Delaunay triangulation to build a set of triangles of the data (EPN and ASG-EUPOS stations as the vertexes) and by the use of the velocities of each point and their errors, to estimate the single strain in each triangle. This approach made it possible to exclude the outlying values from the data. Selection of the criteria of the characteristic of insufficiently stable points in order to remove them from further computations is of a great importance for the final results of computations of the deformation field. In such a tectonically stable region, as the area of Poland, the strain values should not be higher than 3 to 4 nanostrains/year. At the low rate of tectonic deformations observed in Poland, the disturbances resulting from insufficient stabilization of the ASG-EUPOS network influence the computations of the deformation field to a significant extent. Improper stabilization of a single permanent station causes unification of the deformation field within 2 to 3 computation triangles having a common vertex at this station. Based on this assumption, nearly 30 of the ASG-EUPOS stations were excluded from further strain calculations. The analysis of the geodynamic consistency of the deformation field for the computation triangles is basis for indicating stations for which the dislocation resulting from insufficient stabilization, significantly exceeds the dislocation resulting from the deformation of the lithosphere. Most of the ASG-EUPOS network stations may be used for analysis of local differentiation of the deformation field in Poland. The regularities of the deformations distribution determined by ASG-EUPOS network stations constitute a new set of data which will be used for further geodynamic interpretation. In case of lower rank disturbances resulting from destabilization of the network stations, this factor’s component cannot be recognized using qualitative analysis of the deformation field.