Manifestations of late quaternary tectonics within the sudetic marginal fault zone


Grant No.:


Grant Agency:

Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)

Resolved in:

2008 - 2010

Principal investigator:

RNDr. Petra Štěpančíková, Ph.D., Department of Engineering Geology, IRSM AV CR, v.v.i.


The goal of the project is study of manifestations of Late Quaternary tectonics in relief and geology within the zone of Sudetic Marginal Fault (SMF), where Late Pleistocene to Holocene movements were found out. Basing on geomorphological mapping, detailed field work in selected sites, and methods of paleoseismological research - particularly trenching, the youngest tectonic development will be determined. Also dynamism of the development will be evaluated. The obtained knowledge concerning paleoseismicity/paleotectonics can be of special importance for hazard assessment within the studied area. This topic have not been studied yet from this point of view within the area nor the effective methods of paleoseismology (trenching etc.) have been used in the Czech Republic. Moreover, the obtained data will be compared with the youngest geological evolution of the adjacent area and with results of research carried out in the Polish part of the SMF zone. In addition, the results will be

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Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)