Improvement of quality level of education of the applied geology and creation of research center at the University of Arba Minch (Ethiopia)


Grant No.:

25/2015/03, Horizontal Programmes

Grant Agency:

Czech development Agency (CzDA)

Resolved in:

2015 - 2017

Principal investigator:

Mgr. Jan Valenta, Ph.D.,
Institute of the Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS


The project aims at raising awareness of ecological and evolutionary processes in ecosystems with regard to the preservation of Ethiopian biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources. The education of university students in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and its practical application in the area of environment and health. Courses for masters and doctoral students will be held by lecturers from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and from Czech universities.

External website:

Web of the Project

Materials for download:

Rozhodnutí o poskytnutí dotace - 2017

Other information:

About this project
