Method and equipment for the treatment of waste PLA plastic by low temperature pyrolysis


Grant No.:

TP01010055 - Geophysics, geotechnics, geomaterials, geothermal energy for application, project from programme GAMA2

Grant Agency:

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Resolved in:

2022 - 2022

Principal investigator:

Dr. Olga Bičáková
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS


Doc. Pavel Straka
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS

Team member:
Dr. Sergei Izieyavlev


Subproject 4-02 is focused on practical verification of the processing of problematic non-degradable PLA plastic in a technologically feasible way into products with high utility value. This route should provide an efficient treatment of this industrially produced non-degradable PLA, but also of mixed plastic waste with PLA content. The present project will allow the practical verification of a technologically viable route for the processing of waste plastic PLA, which will enable the effective disposal of this non-degradable, problematic waste. The results of the solution can be further used for the processing of other non-degradable plastics or plastic mixtures.