Valuation of the factors influencing the stability of the residual pits in the frame of the North Bohemia region revitalisation program


Grant No.:


Grant Agency:

Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the CR (GAAVČR)

Resolved in:

2003 - 2005

Principal investigator:

p.g. Tamara Spanilá, Department -Engineering Geology and Geofactors, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.


Ing. Ladislav Satrapa, CSc., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ing. Zdenek Kudrna, CSc., Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science


Opencast flooding appears as a problem of future reservoir banks deformation. Overburden and dump slopes have been designed and effectuated with regard to primary mining interests, i.e. for a short or medium stability term. Practice as well as previous research confirm the deformation processes as atypical, due to conditions on the contact water-soil, that vary with the time. On large water reservoirs with the max.depth 170 m a number of exertive geodynamic processes like abrasion, landsliding, seepage, suffosion with negative influence on bank stability take place. By exploiting present results from interdisciplinary sphere, reference localities (e.g. Nechranice) and by researching model residual holes it is possible to give prognosis of bank´s deformation for flooded holes and to propose a new method of monitoring and suitable measures for prevention of expensive great future bank supporting, economic losses, and ecological damage.

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Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)