
International Cooperation

Universität LeobenRakousko

Biomarkers and petrographic parameters: relationship between them and limits of their explanatory power, 13-18482S,

Resitel: Martina Havelcova

University of PatrasGreece

Project ICCOP - New Handbook of Coal and Organic Petrology Editorial Board,

investigators: I. Sykorova, I. Suarez Ruiz, K. Christanis

Universität LeobenAustria

Biomarkers and petrographic parameters: relationship between them and limits of their explanatory power, 13-18482S

University of SalzburgRakousko

Priprava spolecnych publikaci:

- Finger F., Rene M., Verner K.: Bavarian phase and origin of the South Bohemian Batholith. - Journal of Geosciences

- Finger F., Verner K., Rene M., Dörr W.: Petrology of orthogneisses from the Strazek Moldanubian. - International Journal of Geoscinces

United States Geological Survey, RestonUSA

Projekt ICCOP - Interlaboratory Study of D7708-Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of the Reflectance of Vitrinite Dispersed in Sedimentary Rocks, resitel: P.C. Hackley, Spoluresitele I. Sykorova a dalsich 26 spoluresitelu z 15 zemi

University of SalzburgAustria


- Finger F., Rene M., Verner K.: Bavarian phase and origin of the South Bohemian Batholith. - Journal of Geosciences

- Finger F., Verner K., Rene M., Dörr W.: Petrology of orthogneisses from the Strazek Moldanubian. - International Journal of Geoscinces

United States Geological Survey, RestonUSA

Projekt ICCOP - Interlaboratory Study of D7708-Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of the Reflectance of Vitrinite Dispersed in Sedimentary Rocks, Investigator: P.C. Hackley, Co-worker I. Sykorova and other 26 co-investigators from 15 countries

RWTH Aachen University, Rakousko
University of Sielsia in SosnowiecPolsko

Projekt ICCOP - Self-heating of coal and coal wastes,

resitele: M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores,
Spoluresitele: I. Sykorova a dalsich 14 resitelu z 11 zemi

RWTH Aachen University, AustriaAustria
University of Sielsia in SosnowiecPoland

Project ICCOP - Self-heating of coal and coal wastes

Kjúšúská univerzita, Fukuoka, Japonsko
University of PortoPortugalsko

Classification of coal structures from self-heated coal and coal wastes.
Projekt ICCOP (Self-heating of coal and coal wastes),

resitele: M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, Spoluresitele: I. Sykorova a dalsich 14 resitelu z 11 zemi)

Kyushu University Japan
University of PortoPortugal

Classification of coal structures from self-heated coal and coal wastes.
Projekt ICCOP (Self-heating of coal and coal wastes)

INCAR (Instituto Nacional del Carbon)Španělsko

Pruvodce uhelnou a organickou petrologii
Projekt ICCOP - New Handbook of Coal and Organic Petrology Editorial Board,

resitele: I. Sykorova, I. Suarez Ruiz, K. Christanis

National Research CenterEgypt

Spolecny projekt AV CR – Egyptska ASRT
Coke production using plastic wastes from Egypt and Czech Republic, Pyrolysis of coal/rubber blends in cokemaking,

Resitele: Ivana Sykorova, Martina Havelcova, Ahmed Melegy

INCAR (Instituto Nacional del Carbon, Oviedo)Spain

Projekt ICCOP - New Handbook of Coal and Organic Petrology Editorial Board,

Investigator: I. Sykorova, I. Suarez Ruiz, K. Christanis

National Research CenterEgypt

Project Coke production using plastic wastes from Egypt and Czech Republic, Pyrolysis of coal/rubber blends in cokemaking,

Investigators: Ivana Sykorova, Martina Havelcova, Ahmed Melegy

University of PatrasŘecko

Průvodce uhelnou a organickou petrologií
Projekt ICCOP - New Handbook of Coal and Organic Petrology Editorial Board,

řesitelé: I. Sykorova, I. Suarez Ruiz, K. Christanis

Cooperating Institution, Subject of Cooperation Link Description Country
United States Geological Survey, Reston

Projekt ICCOP - Interlaboratory Study of D7708-Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of the Reflectance of Vitrinite Dispersed in Sedimentary Rocks, Investigator: P.C. Hackley, Co-worker I. Sykorova and other 26 co-investigators from 15 countries

University of Sielsia in Sosnowiec

Project ICCOP - Self-heating of coal and coal wastes

University of Porto

Classification of coal structures from self-heated coal and coal wastes.
Projekt ICCOP (Self-heating of coal and coal wastes)

INCAR (Instituto Nacional del Carbon, Oviedo)

Projekt ICCOP - New Handbook of Coal and Organic Petrology Editorial Board,

Investigator: I. Sykorova, I. Suarez Ruiz, K. Christanis

University of Patras

Project ICCOP - New Handbook of Coal and Organic Petrology Editorial Board,

investigators: I. Sykorova, I. Suarez Ruiz, K. Christanis

University of Salzburg


- Finger F., Rene M., Verner K.: Bavarian phase and origin of the South Bohemian Batholith. - Journal of Geosciences

- Finger F., Verner K., Rene M., Dörr W.: Petrology of orthogneisses from the Strazek Moldanubian. - International Journal of Geoscinces

RWTH Aachen University, Austria Austria
Kyushu University Japan
National Research Center

Project Coke production using plastic wastes from Egypt and Czech Republic, Pyrolysis of coal/rubber blends in cokemaking,

Investigators: Ivana Sykorova, Martina Havelcova, Ahmed Melegy

Universität Leoben

Biomarkers and petrographic parameters: relationship between them and limits of their explanatory power, 13-18482S
