Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia (Acta GG) is not included in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR). Analysis of citation data from the year 2011 JCR indicates a high level of self-citations. Acta GG will not be listed in the JCR for two years. The journal’s 2014 citation data will be re-evaluated to determine if the problem of excessive journal self-citations has been resolved; if so, Thomson Reuters will resume listing the journal in the 2014 JCR which will be published in June 2015.
It is important to note that Acta GG will continue to be indexed in Web of Science and therefore its content will continue to be discoverable to researchers worldwide. Acta GG is henceforth included in the WOS and SCOPUS, it will be registered as soon as possible in DOI system.
We apologize to authors who submitted manuscripts to the officially impacted journal but after publishing they will be rated as reviewed papers. We obtained this statement at the end of June 2013 without previous warning. We believe that you will not conceive hatred for our journal.