1996-2006 Technical University Liberec, Faculty of Textile, Ph.D. Material Engineering
1989-1996 Technical University Liberec, Faculty of Textile, Material Engineering
2010 - certified course „Pegasus training course “, EDAX B.V., Tilburg, Netherland
2014 - certified course „Transmission electron microscopy in life sciences “, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Composites and Carbon Materials, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Since 1996 Researcher, Structural characterization of novel composite materials based on natural and synthetic, biocompatibility, mechanical properties, SEM, image and EDS analyses
Microscopical characterization of composite materials, material engineering, SEM, image and EDS analyses methodology
Consultant of bachelor, master or doctoral theses at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague, and 1st Faculty of Medicine CU in Prague.
Czech Composite and Carbon Materials Society
European Microscopy Society
Czechoslovak Microscopy Society