Mgr. Josef Vlček, Ph.D.

About Me

PostDoc interested mainly in induced seismicity and its relation to hydraulic fracturing. Research topics cover mainly automatic processing of the seismic data and its comparison to hydraulic data. I am interested also in a measurement and interpretation of CO2 gas flow in West Bohemia, which is related to local occurence of the seismic activity.

Full-time Ph.D. student at Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Thesis: Automatic processing of microseismic data and their relation to the hydraulic injection

M.Sc. in applied geophysics, Charles University, Faculty of Science
Thesis: Injection-induced seismicity: Statistic and energetic analysis

B.Sc. in geology, Charles University, Faculty of Science
Thesis: Geothermal energy resources – experience from the Soultz-sous-Forets project

Publishing Activity

- Vlček, J., Fischer, T., & Vilhelm, J. (2016). Back-projection stacking of P- and S-waves to determine location and focal mechanism of microseismic events recorded by a surface array. Geophysical Prospecting, 64(6), 1428-1440.

- Hainzl, S., Fischer, T., Čermáková, H., Bachura, M., & Vlček, J. (2016). Aftershocks triggered by fluid intrusion: Evidence for the aftershock sequence occurred 2014 in West Bohemia/Vogtland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(4), 2575-2590.

- Telesca, L., Eisner, L., Stabile, T. A., & Vlček, J. (2017). Investigating the time clustering of induced microseismicity generated by hydraulic fracturing. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 116(5), 59002.

- Wcisło, M., Eisner, L., Málek, J., Fischer, T., Vlček, J., & Kletetschka, G. (2018). Attenuation in West Bohemia: Evidence of High Attenuation in the Nový Kostel Focal Zone and Temporal Change Consistent with CO2 Degassing. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

- Vlček, J., Eisner, L., Stabile, T. A., & Telesca, L. (2018). Temporal relationship between injection rates and induced seismicity. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175(8), 2821-2835.

- Wcisło, M., Eisner, L., Málek, J., Fischer, T., Vlček, J., & Kletetschka, G. (2020). Reply to “Comment on ‘Attenuation in West Bohemia: Evidence of High Attenuation in the Nový Kostel Focal Zone and Temporal Change Consistent with CO2 Degassing’by M. Wcisło, L. Eisner, J. Málek, T. Fischer, J. Vlček, and G. Kletetschka” by MorozovReply. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(1), 375-380

- Fischer T., Vlček J. and Lanzendorfer M. (2020). Monitoring crustal CO2 flow: methods and their applications to the mofettes in West Bohemia. Solid Earth,

- Woith H., Daskalopoulou K., Zimmer M., Fischer T., Vlček J., Trubač J., Rosberg J.-E., Vylita T. and Dahm T. (2020) MultiLevel Gas Monitoring: A New Approach in Earthquake Research. Front. Earth Sci. 8:585733., doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.585733

Lectures and Teaching

2021 - Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics, Faculty of Science, Charles University - lecture "Use of graphic programs"


EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists
SPE - Society if Petroleum Engineers
ČAAG - Česká asociace geofyziků

PhD. Student - Organization

Charles University in Prague

PhD. Student - Dissertation Topic

Dissertation thesis: Microseismic monitoring
Supervisor: dr. Tomáš Fischer