Reconstruction of the developement of the geosystems in the Šumava Mts in the Late Glacial and the Holocene (with the particular aim at the formerly glaciated and other currently most active areass)

Reconstruction of the developement of the geosystems in the Šumava Mts in the Late Glacial and the Holocene (with the particular aim at the formerly glaciated and other currently most active areass)

The project is aimed at a complex geomorphological research of the geosystems within the czech part if the Šumava Mts.The basic research goals concern the vicinity of the formerly glaciated and other most active areas.Firstly,the varying state of the research in the AOIs shall be brought to the same level to enable integration of results from all the studied areas into a unifying hypothesis on the character and dynamics of the glaciation and surrounding relief developement,both locally and regionally. Secondly,in the context of the glaciation research,we shall also study the periglacial forms,in particular the block fields,using a methodics specially designed by the authors based on the literature and own experience. Finally,we intend to study the deeply incised valleys on the margins of remnants of planation surfaces,currently highly active zones. Methodological goals include finalizing the procedure of the geomorphological analysis in frame of the GmIS,employing the system approach.

Grant No.


Grant Agency

Grant Agenency AS Czech Republic

Resolved in


Principal investigator

RNDr. Filip Hartvich

Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science


Mgr. Klára Vočadlová

RNDr. Pavel Mentlík, PhD.

University of West Bohemia of Pilsen
