The system of active runoff pollutants capture as a solution for implementation of the standards ČSN 759010 and TNV 759011

The system of active runoff pollutants capture as a solution for implementation of the standards ČSN 759010 and TNV 759011

Rainwater and its quality expose two important effects on the environment. First of all stormwater closes the cycle in the regulation of the groundwater table. It is its major supplier. The second aspect is rain water vector, which is responsible for the transport of wide range of input materials (including the side) into the environment. Currently, there are methodological approach and technical measures, which directs ways of dealing with storm water in new construction. These documents are specific recommendations on what and how to be conceived in the framework of the guidelines and soak rainwater. This plan identified the opportunity to fill the place of marketable products whose application is to capture contaminants before entry of rainwater into the groundwater.
The aim of the project is to develop a technical solution whose fulfillment should be achieved by the above purpose. It is the active systems located in subsurface, which flows through the rectified current of rainwater. First concept takes into account the chemical- physical aspects, but second part of the project will also include the biological basis that either happens an autonomous system or it will be used for the purpose combination, respectively, non-biological solutions prevail. The logic of the project emphasizes the development of the experimental test polygon, and then the methodological and technical solutions replenishment.

Grant No.

TA04020432 (Programme ALFA)

Grant Agency

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Resolved in


Principal investigator

Dr. Pavel Špaček,
CHEMCOMEX Praha, a.s.


Mgr. Martina Havelcová Ph.D.,
Institut of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS

Ing. Jiří Hendrych Ph.D.,
Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague
