Department of Applied Rock Mechanics

The Department of Applied Rock Mechanics studies rocks and their short- and long-term changes depending on endogenous and exogenous factors. This includes monitoring and analysis of rock masses depending on rock composition and its properties, precipitation or temperature. In addition to direct monitoring in natural conditions, it uses a fully equipped rock mechanics laboratory, which allows the investigation of rocks' basic and advanced physical and mechanical properties.

International Cooperation

University of Bayreuth, Germany

Cooperation with prof. Oliver Sass, Bayreuth, Germany

University of Utrecht

Cooperation with Dr. Daniel Draebing, Utrecht, Holand

Instituto Geografico Nacional de España, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Cooperation with Dr. Stavros Meletlidis, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Dirección General del Instituto Geografico Nacional), Spain

GNS Science, Wellington
New Zeland

Cooperation with Dr. Sam McColl, Engineering Geology Team Leader - Wellington, New Zeland