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The Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Wroclaw University of
Environmental and Life Sciences in a collaboration with the Institute of
New edition of Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia Vol 10, No. 3 (171), Prague 2013 for download at this link:
With residents of Peru’s Andes mountains facing threats from a changing climate, glaciologists say more must be done in Peru to research the proble
Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia (Acta GG) is not included in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR).
Unique machine "Electrospunra 210 is used for several months in t
he first stage of building a giant landslide monitoring network on El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, was completed by the beginning of
Cesky Krumlov gets its own station on the measurement of the earth shake, one year after the earthquake..
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR, v.v.i
Czech Society for composite materials and carbon