Mafic intrusions as precursors of peraluminous granites in the Krušné hory batholith

Mafic intrusions as precursors of peraluminous granites in the Krušné hory batholith

Volumetrically small bodies of mafic and hybrid ultramafic intrusions in the Western pluton of the Variscan Krušné hory/Erzgebirge (KHE) batholith indicate possible participation of mantle-derived magmas in initiation of massive peraluminous granite magmatism. Their intrusion is probably related to compressional crust thickening in Western Bohemia but its exact time remains unknown. New studies of these bodies , which occur specifically in the southern Czech part of the pluton, will bring new data on petrology and mineral compositions based on microprobe analyses and results of modern geochemical and isotope (Nd and Sr ) analyses (ICP-MS, AAS, RFA) which will enable to evaluate crustal contamination and evolution path of mafic magmas. Geophysical measurements will show if mafic intrusions represent parts of larger mafic bodies in depth or if they are restricted to contacts of plutonic intrusions as their earliest intrusive phase. Measurements of magnetic anisotropy will help to elucidate fabric

Grant No.


Grant Agency

Grant Agenency Czech Republic

Resolved in


Principal investigator

Doc. RNDr. Emil Jelínek, CSc., Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
