Partially pyrolyzed composites as a light roofing - verification of climatic resistance and optimization of suitable textile reinforcement.

Partially pyrolyzed composites as a light roofing - verification of climatic resistance and optimization of suitable textile reinforcement.

Partially pyrolyzed composites could be a full-fledged replacement for asbestos type coatings Eternit, as they are characterized by good mechanical properties and low density guaranteeing relief roof construction. Compared to standard fiber composites, these composites have a high level of fire resistance and safety, as no gases or other combustion products are generated at high temperatures. The components used to make these composites, basalt fibers and polysiloxane matrix are among the cheapest materials in their commodity. Moisture and frost resistance are essential properties that need to be verified. It will be necessary to find a suitable type of reinforcement with regard to mechanical properties and easy manufacturability.

Grant No.

TP01010055, programme GAMA 2

Grant Agency

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Resolved in


Principal investigator

Dr. MArtin Černý

Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS
