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Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia

Authors: Žigová Anna, Šťastný Martin, Novák František, Hájek Pavel and Šrein Vladimír
DOI: 10.13168/AGG.2017.0026
Journal: Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, Vol. 14, No. 4 (188), Prague 2017
Full Text: PDF file (3.5 MB)
Keywords: Skryje-Týřovice Basin, Buchava Formation, Albic Luvisol, loess, volcanic rocks, clay minerals, corrensite
Abstract: The study was performed in the territory of the Skryje-Týřovice Basin, in the Buchava Formation. The study area falls within the Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area. Samples were collected from Albic Luvisol. Parent material was characterized on the basis of thin section study. Soil development was evaluated by parameters such as macromorphological analysis, particle size distribution, pH, base saturation, cation exchange capacity, soil organic matter and mineral composition of clay fraction. Results of the analyses, especially the thickness of Bt horizon and distribution of clay fraction in the soil profile, confirm the process of intensive pedogenetic clay differentiation. Trioctahedral 1:1 regularly interstratified mineral (R=1) containing chlorite and smectite layers (low-charge corrensite) was described for the first time in the soils of the Czech Republic. Corrensite was detected in the Ah horizon of Albic Luvisol under weakly acid reaction conditions in the increasing amount of organic matter using the X-ray diffraction analysis. The distribution of clay minerals in Albic Luvisol showed that soil development is influenced by loess and also volcanic rocks in the lower part of the profile.