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Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia

Authors: Stepniak Katarzyna, Baryła Radoslaw, Wielgosz Pawel and Kurpinski Grzegorz
DOI: 10.13168/AGG.2013.0044
Journal: Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, Vol. 10, No. 4 (172), Prague 2013
Full Text: PDF file (2.5 MB)
Keywords: GPS, precise GPS leveling, post-processing
Abstract: GPS (Global Positioning System) technique has become a major tool in contemporary surveying and geodesy. This concerns mostly measurements of horizontal point coordinates, where centimeter-level accuracies are usually required and easily achievable. For the height component, however, these requirements are higher and millimeter-level accuracy is necessary. On the other hand, the intrinsic precision of GPS-derived heights is clearly lower comparing to the horizontal components. This is due to unfavorable satellite geometry, adverse effects of the troposphere or GPS antenna phase center offset and variations. In order to overcome these effects one has to carefully model all the error sources and rigorously process the GPS data. This paper presents studies on the optimal GPS data processing strategy suitable for precise leveling. This was done through the extensive testing and selection of the most appropriate observational session duration, ambiguity resolution strategy, network geometry, troposphere and ionospheric delay reduction methods, signal linear combination, elevation angle cut-off, etc. The analyzed processing strategies were evaluated through the processing of a test network. The test network consisted of 19 monitored points and 5 control points, and covered the area of 20 km x 60 km. The obtained results show that the precise GPS leveling with the selected optimal processing strategy allows for about 3 mm repeatability of height measurements when processing 4-hour long sessions. In our opinion GPS leveling may serve as fast and cost-effective replacement of classic geometric leveling, especially in applications where the heights in orthometric or normal height systems are not necessary. This is the case in, e.g., ground deformation studies.