Research of intergranular porosity influence on deep geological disposal into geological formations and methodology and measuring apparatus development


Grant No.:

FR-T/1/367 Program - TIP (2009-2017)

Grant Agency:

Minister of Industry and Trade

Resolved in:

2009 - 2013

Principal investigator:

Ing. Jiří Záruba, ARCADIS Geotechnika a.s.


Ing. Milan Brož, CSc., Department of Seismotectonics, IRSM AS CR, v.v.i.


Granites are considered as safe for safe repository of the dangerous substances, storage of gases or liquids. It is anticipated, that compact granite mass is impermeable and present fractures will be tightly sealed. In framework of project 1H-PK/31, it has been found that sections of apparently compact granite mass are highly permeable. Permeability under natural pressure conditions was detected in wide strip around sealed fracture. Results on the function of permeability were gathered on one site and might not be generalized. Proposed project aims to answer following questions: Is the inter-granular permeability in granites general property? What is its origin? Is it form or effect of the EDZ zone? What affects its parameters? Is it detectable in field? Thus this project will include: literature review, lab and field research, modeling, development of measuring gauges, methods proposal. The results will yield useful knowledge for evaluation of rock mass safety for underground repository and storage.


ARCADIS Geotechnika a.s.,
Czech Geological Survey,
ISATech s.r.o.,
Progeo s.r.o,
Ústav jaderného výzkumu Řež a.s.

ISVAV: (What is it?)

Project in The Research and Development and Innovation System of the Czech Republic (in Czech only)

External website:

Web of the Project