Rock Environment and Natural Resources


Grant No.:

SS02030023, Research program Environment for life, duration of the project

Grant Agency:

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Resolved in:

2020 - 2026

Principal investigator:

Michal Poňavič, Ph.D.
Czech Geological Survey


Member of the research team:
Dr. Pavel Straka
Olga Bičáková, Ph.D.
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS


The project is focused on the sources of ore and non-ore raw materials, which are or can be of key importance for the development of society and the improvement of the environment. The basic parameters of the technology of their treatment with a minimum of waste and the possibilities of their eco-innovative use in the industries of interest, especially in the field of modern technologies, will be verified.

External website:

Web of the Project