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Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia

Authors: Zdunek Ryszard, Kaczorowski Marek, Kasza Damian and Wronowski Roman
DOI: 10.13168/AGG.2014.0016
Journal: Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, Vol. 11, No. 4 (176), Prague 2014
Full Text: PDF file (2.0 MB)
Keywords: GPS technique, station velocity vector, non-tidal signals, recent tectonic activity, tectonic geology, long water-tube tiltmeters, tectonic faults, Sudeten tectonic activity.
Abstract: The new contribution is continuation and extension of the investigations associated with GPS permanent station of the Geodynamic Laboratory in Książ (LG), which were published in Acta Geodynamica et. Geomaterialia (Zdunek R, 2012). The GPS Station in Książ (KSIA) was established in 2010 to support our investigations of recent tectonic activity of Świebodzice Depression. After two years long epoch of very weak tectonic signals, the instruments of LG observed the following epoch of tectonic activity, which was manifested by strong effects of tiltings and vertical motions of foundation. Strong irregular non-tidal signals, registered after 2009, show that the tectonic components changed their characteristics in time as well as in amplitudes domains. On the basis of results of 3 years long GPS data series we determined velocity vector of KSIA station and it was compared with velocity vectors of selected reference stations. Those stations are located in different azimuths and different distances from the KSIA station and are established on different tectonic units. Velocities of all selected GPS stations were compared with velocities obtained from other solutions and with vectors calculated on the basis of existing geodynamic and satellite models of tectonic plates. On account of further interpretation, in the underground, the geodetic network was established in order to determine trends and dips of recognized faults in the LG corridors. Some of the faults manifest contemporary activity. The results of 3 years long GPS data elaboration show different displacements of the Świebodzice Depression, Książ unit in relation to selected GPS stations. Significant deformation of the Pełcznica river meander, geological indicators such as trends and dips of faults as well as kinematic models of deformations of Książ massif indicate possible interpretation of the reasons of differences of KSIA GPS station displacements. The obtained results suggest directions and methods of further research of tectonic activity using new measurement technics and technologies applied inside and outside the Laboratory.